It is so good to sit in our little house, warm and cozy as the rains fall. We’ve gone from drought to flood warnings in less than a week! That’s crazy Queensland for you. We’re just so thankful for rain, even if it does turn our farm into a massive mud puddle for a while.

hollyhocks in the rainI just wanted to pop in and say hello and let you know that I will be away until April. Bear had surgery this week and while he’s healing up nicely, docs have given him strict instructions to do absolutely nothing for a week. So I’m stepping in to fill in the gaps whilst he twiddles his thumbs and gets his fill of movies, audio books, and surfing the internet. Yes, he is going stir crazy. 🙂

So while we keep things quiet around here with comfort food and homemade cookies and a whole lot of cuppas, I wish you a wonderful week. xo