After a gorgeous stroll through Salisbury, my friend Katy and I were thrilled when we came upon the Salisbury farmer’s market held in the town square.

Salisbury market

It was positively bustling with people filling baskets and bags with fresh flowers, ripe cheeses, and all sorts of fruit and veg.

Salisbury flower market

I was in absolute heaven when we entered the cheese part of the market. I nearly swooned at the incredible prices and wished I had a huge suitcase just to fill with wheels of French brie, tangy cheddar, and creamy soft goat cheese. We somehow managed to limit ourselves to just three, and happily tucked into them when we got home.

Salisbury cheese market

I am a true blue market lover. I’d happily shop only in farmer’s markets for the rest of my days if I could.

I love the big crusty loaves of fresh bed piled in marvy wicker baskets, bins filled with crisp apples and juicy pears, and am a sucker for meat wrapped in paper from the butcher.

Salisbury market stall

I like the funky handcrafted items you find, like these fabulous felt slippers with pompoms.

Moroccan slippers

But most of all I like the wonderful mix of people: pensioners in their comfortable walking shoes, business women decked out to the nines, and kidlets running about underfoot trying to wheedle candy and ice cream out of their long suffering parents.

Salisbury vegetable market

Markets have such a cozy community feel. There’s something so nice about meeting up with dear friends for a cuppa or chit-chatting with perfect strangers about the quality of mangoes or the price of asparagus.

Salisbury town square

After we made the rounds of all the stalls, Katy and I climbed creaky wooden stairs up into the loft of a truly ancient pub for a bit of lunch.

How nice it was to remove our winter wrappings in the cozy warmth of the pub, visiting happily as we ate our way through toasted chicken and cheese sandwiches and baked potatoes topped with fire-roasted tomatoes and brie.

pub lunch

What is your favorite part of an open-air market?