Do you ever feel like life is just a bit much? That your to-do list is impossible and the trials confounding your efforts have crossed the line into ridiculousness?

I admit that’s exactly how I felt on Friday gazing at stacks and stacks of boxes and wondering how on earth my crippled self was going to get them all sorted and organized in time for a garage sale in the morning. Then the other items on my to-do list started hollering for attention and pretty soon I was utterly and completely overwhelmed.

Not. Good. 🙂

I decided it was high time for a little break to get myself on track again, so I got on the snazzy medical scooter a dear friend loaned me and rolled myself outside for some fresh air. I found a comfy perch on a lawn chair, propped up my foot and tipped my head back for a little rest.

I just sat there, breathing, relaxing, letting all the stress and anxiety drift away as I listened to the wind rustling in the trees and setting the chimes dancing.

When at last I opened my eyes, this is what I saw.

Cloudy sky

It was so beautiful, almost magical somehow, like a special gift of wonder to cheer my heart. I wanted so much to share it with you so I grabbed my phone and took a little video. 🙂


I know it’s nothing exciting, there are no pyramids or Eiffel Towers to be seen, but nonetheless, I hope it delights you. I watched it again this morning and it made me smile, reminding me that even on dark, stormy days when everything seems to be going wrong, there is still beauty and light to be found. There is always hope.

That little moment calmed me down and cheered me up and soon I was back on the job. My dear friends Marie, Nicole, Darren, Cameron, Robin, and Jenny came with beaming smiles, hugs and amazing enthusiasm to “get this done!!” And we did!! I got propped up in a rocking chair and they brought me box after box to sort and organize then dashed off to arrange and price. It was after dark by the time we finished, but we finished!! (Thank you SO much, dearest folks!!)

The next morning Marie and I were both sick, but we got up and Nicole cheered us on and we made it! Even before we opened treasure-hunters were scavenging for deals. The emotional difficulty of letting go of  most of my belongings disappeared as I saw people SO excited to buy my treasures. Little girls beamed as they wrapped my scarves around their necks and clutched ropes of shiny necklaces. Other folks couldn’t stop smiling as they balanced stacks of my beloved books in their arms or found a cd they absolutely loved. It made me happy. 🙂

It was quite a day. 9-year-old Adrienne fortified us with toasted bagels and string cheese and Dylan made a donut run to keep us going and somehow we made it through. The sale was a rousing success and I made enough money to ship my remaining belongings to Australia. That makes me happy too. 🙂

Today is a new day. I’m all caught up on sleep, down to taking pain pills only a couple of times a day (yay!), and am one step closer to getting everything done for my big move.

What projects are you tackling this week?
