My grandfather was in line at the grocery store the other day when a woman in a red coat barged in front of him, plopping a large package of toilet paper directly on top of his groceries.

Startled, he looked up and saw by her animated gestures to the clerk that she was deaf. Not understanding sign language he had no idea what she was saying, but being the gracious soul he is, he let her cut in front of him without a word.

Soon it was his turn. The clerk rang up his few groceries and as he reached for his wallet she smiled and informed him that his groceries had already been paid for.

By the woman in the red coat.

It happened a week ago, but my grandparents still talk about it, smiling broadly as they shake their heads in disbelief.

It makes me smile too.

These days when it seems like the only news is bad news, it’s lovely to think of the lady in the red coat and know there are still beautiful people in this world showing love and generosity without a thought of reward or thanks.

Have you ever received an unexpected kindness from a stranger?