The dishwasher is humming and the dryer is tumbling and I just spilled my tea and got olive oil in my eye and all in all it’s been a pretty good evening. 🙂

I’ve been trying hard all week to look on the bright side, find things to be grateful for, soldier on through awful pain and one disaster after another, and tonight I crashed, an absolute puddle of tears and stress. I rang Mums and she commiserated beautifully, as only mothers can, while I snuffled and gulped. I felt so much better. Amazing what a good weep and an understanding listener will do for a girl. 🙂

I took some pain pills, got in my pjs, eased down onto the couch, and rested a while, pondering what to do about the laundry, dishes and projects that have stacked up while I’ve been recuperating from ye ol’ car accident. Then I remembered a mantra from one of my old teachers: “Do the next thing.” That’s all. Simple and tangible. I could do that!

So, after the Advil kicked in I did a load of laundry, then rested. Popped in Hercule Poirot dramatized cds (known to our family as “Poy-rot” :-)) and loaded the dishwasher, then rested. It worked like a charm. 🙂 I felt stress melt away as I saw clear counters and knew I’d have clean clothes in the morning.

Pondering what “soft” food to make for dinner, I turned to my comfort food favorite, potatoes. I fried them up with onions and a bit of farmer’s sausage and ohhh, they were so lovely. 🙂

Now I’m sitting back, restful in body and spirit, looking forward to a good weekend. 🙂

Months ago I made plans with a gang of dear friends to go to the Olympics just across the border.

 The Peace Arch border crossing between the United States and Canada

When the accident happened I thought for sure I’d have to miss it and was sorely disappointed. But my friend Trish called tonight and said if all I can do is sit on a bench in the Olympic Village and soak up atmosphere, she’ll sit right there with me so I won’t be alone. Now I’m all teary again. Friends sure are lovely. Our friend Viss also badly injured her back, but she just wrote that she’s going to try to make it too – yay!!

So if you happen to be in the Olympic Village on Saturday and see three girls sitting on a bench just looking around and grinning like fools, come on over and say hello. 🙂