It’s a lusciously dark and rainy morning as Queensland prepares for a super cell storm heading our way. Hopefully it will just bring us good, drenching rains and no storm damage. On such a cozy sort of day, it’s lovely to work from my bed, warm under the doona, hot cuppas never too far away.

I took a break from sharing my Southern Queensland adventures with you to concentrate on my new job as Association Account Coordinator for Jennifer Cunha Law Office in West Palm Beach, Florida. In this astonishing age of technological advancement, I can work from my office in Australia for a law firm in Florida, having meetings on Skype or, making phone calls through VOIP (voice over internet protocol), and conducting business through various online resources. It is brilliant. I’m learning so much and thoroughly enjoy my new co-workers who are not only skilled at their jobs, but somehow manage to make the whole process hilarious and fun at the same time.

My new work hours are 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Queensland time, so you can imagine I’m a bit weary by the end of the day when I usually write my blog posts. But my dear ol’ body is getting into the swing of things now, and I’m figuring out a new schedule that works well.

So today we’re heading back into the Bunya Mountain rainforest where all is dark and cool, the trails are springy with moist layers of detritus, and there are treasures to be found if you just look down.

shell on forest floor

I’m enamored by moss, lichen, and brilliantly hued fungi. They lend such a magical air to the forest.

orange fungi in rainforest

And mushrooms. They are wonderful too. I have no desire to eat them, but they always put me in mind of folk tales and fairy tales and stories from the Black Forest.

small white mushrooms in rainforest

The rainforest was an ever changing vista. One moment we were oohing over fabulous fungi discoveries or aahing at a fat goanna waddling past, and suddenly we’d round a bend and discover a nearly hidden grove of Australian grasstrees with their marvelous pot bellied grass skirts swaying in the breeze.

Australian grasstrees

And then it felt like we’d plunged into a scene from Jurassic Park or Tarzan as massive vines twisted and coiled across the forest floor then up into the trees before disappearing into the canopy above. The pictures don’t convey their immensity, but each of the larger strands have the girth of an average size person, the smaller ones are as big as a leg or stoutly muscled arm. Incredible.

huge rainforest vines

Aren’t these tree roots wondrous? Sinewy and curvaceous, staggeringly huge.

huge rainforest tree roots

Then more vines coiling themselves across the landscape like tentacles or serpents.

rainforest hanging vines

And more splendid tree roots. Wouldn’t this tree make a most excellent fort or hideout?

twisting tree roots

Exploring the Bunya Mountains through the rainforest trails was incredible. Mind-blowing, heart-soothing, soul-soaring.

After so much inspiration and wonder, we simply had to end the day with comfort food: garlicky mashed potatoes with lemon pepper, crispy roasted sausages, and red wine.

garlic mashed potatoes and roasted sausages

Sue and I crawled into our beds that night with pleasantly tired bodies and big smiles. I listened contentedly to the wind buffeting my tent as I read a couple of chapters by lamp light, then drifted off for a thoroughly good sleep.
