β€œWhat a strange machine man is!
You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes,
and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams.”
Nikos Kazantzakis

Tomorrow morning I begin a Writing Hibernation, tucked away in my office as I head into the home stretch of finishing the first draft of my history book. Last minute submissions and historical finds are flooding in and first thing tomorrow morning I will be found at my desk, sorting photos and family stories and reminiscences, getting everything organized so I can pull it together into a cohesive and (hopefully!) entertaining narrative. I’m excited. The end is in sight!

In preparation for days of reading and writing, I spent most of this weekend outside doing anything but sitting on my backside at my computer. It’s been brilliant.

Bear and I spent Saturday building an apple orchard in the pouring rain. By the end of the day we were sopping wet, covered in mud, aching all over, and tired beyond belief. But oh so happy. It’s nearly done!!! This week the trees go in and soon our ducks will have an apple orchard pen all to themselves and we will be one step closer to apple nirvana in Autumn.

It will be a surprise orchard, for all the trees were given to us at rock bottom prices by a local nursery that had lost all the tags to their remaining apple trees. We know we have one Granny Smith and something marvelous called Snow Apples, but other than that, we have no clue what sort of apples will arrive when Fall comes around. That pleases me no end.

I’ve also been snatching moments for my gardens whenever I can, having realized with a jolt that my writing marathon coincided with the arrival of Spring and all the necessary planting that entails. So in between other projects and chores I dig a bit, plant a few seeds, water a patch or two, and haul straw for mulching. This weekend I planted purple carrots, Lebanese cucumbers, purple garlic, 4 kinds of basil, twelve types of tomatoes, purple artichokes (I’m noticing a purple theme here), strawberry pinto beans, black beans, Jack beans, and nasturtiums. Phew!

I’ve also been picking radishes. And more radishes. Long, gorgeous scarlet ones and chubby white ones with lavender tops.

fresh garden radishesI have not always been a radish fan. Memories of biting into raw ones that set my tongue burning were enough to turn me against them for quite awhile.

Then I had them roasted. Oh. My.

I’ve been a huge fan ever since.

freshly picked radishesRoasting banishes that biting heat and replaces it with seductive sweetness with just a hint of a kick.

washed radishes and greensRoasting them with thyme adds deeper pleasure by providing a salty crunch to the smooth, sweet, radish flavor.

radishes with thymeNormally I roast the leaves with the radishes – they become delectably crispy and salty and are sheer bliss – but this time I saved them for a unique twist on pesto.

roasted radishes with thymeMy blogging friend Jeanne inspired this plan, and after some experimentation, I arrived at a concoction both Bear and I love. I added more garlic and Parmesan than I do in a traditional basil pesto, since the earthiness of the radish leaves can handle strong flavors. It resulted in a peppery pesto that we will use as a base for savory tart filling, a zingy dressing for potato salad, and a spread for sandwiches.

radish green pestoLater this week I will use up the rest of the radishes in a pickle. Mmm. Can’t wait!

Do you like radishes? What is your favorite vegetable? xo

Roasted Radishes with Thyme


12 radishes, washed, topped, and halved lengthwise
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp fresh thyme
sea salt to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F (220 C).
  2. In medium bowl, toss together all ingredients until radishes are evenly coated.
  3. Spread radishes evenly onto baking sheet topped with baking paper.
  4. Roast 20-30 minutes until radishes are soft and begin to brown.
  5. Serve warm or cold.

Radish Green Pesto


1 cup olive oil
4-6 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/3 cup pine nuts
6 cups fresh radish greens, washed, dried, and coarsely chopped (stems removed)
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In food processor blend together oil, garlic, salt, and pine nuts to form rough paste.
  2. Add radish greens and pulse until rough paste forms.
  3. Add Parmesan cheese and pulse just until mixed. (If you prefer a smoother paste, puree longer)
  4. Use immediately or freeze until ready to use.