It’s not often that I thank Bear profusely for being late (particularly since it’s usually ME who’s tardy!), but yesterday morning I couldn’t help myself.

We were heading to town for a fancy-shmancy breakfast date at McDonald’s when he remembered something back at the house. He parked in the driveway and hoofed it back to do his errand and I climbed out of the car to stretch my legs.

Then stopped.

And stared.

At this.

sunrise over a field

As far as I could see, fields were turned into dancing waves of gold by the rising sun.

I felt like I’d been transported from our simple little farm to a fairyland where the meadows were made of spun glass in burnished copper, bronze, and gold.

I was speechless and could only laugh and sigh in utter delight as the sun rose higher and the grasses grew brighter, seeming to glow from within.

sunlit meadow

I spotted a tiny, fluffy dandelion hidden down in the darkness where the sun couldn’t penetrate, and had to bring him up into the light where he could sparkle and glimmer too.

I’ve carried the brilliance of those moments with me ever since, returning to these images over and over again, reveling in the delicious sense of well-being and warmth they impart.

sunrise behind dandelion

What images or words do you keep returning to this week? I’d love to hear about them. 🙂