I awoke one morning in Fiji to find the grass outside my room sprinkled with these stunning flowers. It’s the sort of thing you dream about but never see, and I was utterly charmed.

A couple of weeks ago my friend Corrie encouraged me to start jotting down my dreams every week. Not the ones my vivid imagination conjures up at night, but the dreams that are closest to my heart, the things I would do, try and experience if I was allowed to do anything in the world.

Yesterday, as the sun finally came out in rainy Washington, I sat in my armchair in a beam of sunshine and began to write.

I confess it was hard at first. Each thought that came into my head was immediately squelched by an “oh that’s not very practical” or “you don’t have the money for that” or “so and so wouldn’t approve at all!” But I kept shushing those naysayer thoughts until my deepest desires bobbed happily to the surface. From the silly to the sublime they came, and soon I couldn’t write fast enough.

Suddenly I noticed I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. ๐Ÿ™‚

How lovely it was to let my imagination go wild and picture such good things as being debt-free and healthy or quirky things like building my own adult-sized tree house and traveling First Class on the Orient Express while sipping Earl Grey tea and reading Agatha Christie.

Some of my dreams may never happen, but simply writing them down got my mind whirling about ways to maybe, just maybe, make them happen. I feel inspired, creative, and excited about the future, whatever it may hold. Thank you, Corrie.

Do you have any “silly” dreams? Is there one thing you could do today to get closer to making that dream a reality?